Friday Finishers 10

We all want to do our best at work and impress our bosses, clients, and colleagues. But sometimes, doing our best can turn into doing too much. Going above and beyond can be a great way to show initiative, creativity, and dedication. But it can also lead to burnout, stress, and resentment, which can affect our health, happiness, and productivity.  

So how can we find the right balance between doing our best and doing too much? Evaluate the impact of going above and beyond. Is it making a positive difference for your work outcomes, your career growth, or your reputation?  Question why. Ask yourself why this is happening. Or if you notice that you are slowing down or losing motivation to do more, look to what has changed in your situation that makes you feel this way. Once you identify the root cause of the problem you can then find ways to solve it.  

Other tips to follow would be know your limits and be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve in a given time frame, with the resources available. Saying no sometimes can be just as important as saying yes. Saying no is not selfish or rude; it is a way of respecting your own boundaries and values. You have the right to decline requests that are unreasonable, unrealistic or irrelevant to your goals. You also have the right to ask for help, delegate tasks or negotiate deadlines when necessary.   

If you are going above and beyond for little or no benefit, you may want to prioritize your tasks more effectively and focus on quality over quantity.  

Every situation is going to be unique, the secret sauce of finding your balance and the really hard part… is honesty. 

Be honest with yourself and identify the underlying reasons for your behavior. Pay attention to how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.  

Working hard is admirable but working smart is essential, for you! By following these few tips, you can balance your work ethic and avoid burnout while still achieving great results; you will be able to enjoy your work and life more fully. Sometimes less can be more. 

#FridayFinishers #waystoimprove #workplaceproductivitytips #stayfocused #jobsuccess #jobstatisfaction #avoidburnout

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