Friday Finishers 2

Distractions are a fact of life, especially now, as our multiple sources of input surround us: Family, Friends, Computers, Colleagues, Emails, Cell phones, Radio, Digital watch, Metabolic/Health trackers, Spam, Billboards, and the list may go on and on and on. Following last week’s #FridayFinishers, time is the only resource we can’t get back, so how do we manage our time with all these distractions that seem to sometime steal time away from us?

This is where time management comes in! A tip for time management, with regards to distractions, may be to designate multiple blocks of time where you allow yourself to really focus on what it is you are working towards. 

You can start small by designating thirty mins to an hour in the morning where you let everyone know you are not to be disturbed because you are in ‘focus mode’. Have technology work for you and enable the do not disturb settings on your devices. (Yes even email notifications will be blocked, see links below for reference). Even block the time out on your calendar to ensure you stay on point.

But have a clear goal of what it is you are trying to accomplish during that time. That is key! Once you designed your focus time to suit your needs, then you can start blocking more time out as you see fit.

Do you currently have a strategy that works well for you on blocking out distractions?

Links: Microsoft’s how-to enable Focus assist

Mac’s how-to turn on or off Focus

#FridayFinishers #timemanagementstrategies #workplaceproductivitytips #waystoimprove #focustime

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