Friday Finishers

Asking the Right Questions: Unlocking Customer Service Gold πŸš€

How can we position ourselves to always ask the right questions, the ones that seal the deal or pave the way for a promotion? The answer lies in asking good questions. But here’s the catch – we can’t always predict what the right question is. So, how do we navigate this challenge and ensure we ask the right/good questions? An even better question!?!

Navigating the Customer Service Maze: A Quest for the Right Questions πŸ—οΈ

In the realm of customer service, the art of questioning can be a double-edged sword. Too many questions might be perceived as incompetence, while too few (or generic ones) may convey a lack of care. From an external viewpoint, some may ask questions with the aim of appearing the smartest person in the room, feeding into the ego. However, questions laden with ego rarely lead to success.

Consider a scenario where you’re working to mend a relationship due to an internal error with a vendor or client. If your primary concern is deflecting blame, that’s ego at its finest. So, how do we ask better questions?

Objective Clarity: Your Path to Customer Service Gold 🌟

It may begin by asking ourselves about the objective with the client. In the case of repairing a relationship, if the goal is genuinely, reconciliation, your questions and efforts will naturally align with that objective. Introducing ego into the mix is a recipe for failure in customer service. A valuable tip is to focus on the conversation’s objective with a clear and concise goal – that’s customer service gold!

Share your experiences, on how you won over customers, or how someone may have won you over. We all learn from each other sharesπŸ”πŸš€πŸ’‘

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