Friday Finishers 3

We all hear ‘no’. Whether it’s being given or received. We may even get the fancy/polite ‘no’, like “That may not be a good idea” or “We will not proceed with your application, at this time”. 

Whatever the delivery there are days when it can impact us deeply and detract from our goals. You know like procrastinating!

So on those days, how can we change that around?  Using the power of ‘no’ to fuel your actions, may fall under the moniker ‘easier said than done’.  But it doesn’t have to be challenging to manage. 

A good way I have managed is by leaning into it and sometimes complaining (to myself) about getting that denial. Asking myself what did I do or not do enough to get the point across or get that person to say yes. But the real trick is after doing that exercise, I do not think about it again. 

During that time I focus as much as possible on the reasons the other person may not have said yes (especially if they don’t say honestly, why). But the real trick is to limit the time on that internal dialogue to 5 or maybe 10 mins. Then move on.  This can also be done with a group, a trusted advisor or maybe just a journal entry.

By doing so, you’ve effectively in more ways than one, diminish the effect it had and refocus your attention on what is next!

Do you have a method you use on those bad days to get back on track after getting that ‘no’ response?

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