Friday Finishers 4

Did you know that celebrating is a great way to build momentum? Even the simple acknowledgment of a successful call can be a great motivator. It does not have to be a big hoopla; a drink of your favorite beverage can be both celebratory and conditional reward programming. 

Friday Finishers was born out of the need to start a commitment to show up on Fridays with snippets of insights, gain either from practical practice, the unlimited number of books available, or other inspirational sources like group posts, YouTube, etc… . Eventually to start conversations.  

This is #4 and it dawns on me that this is in fact a win (for me)! With today’s fast pace nature and ever-changing environment, we sometimes forget to celebrate the little things. I know working in the IT field this quickly became commonplace with me and other engineers/technicians. Resulting in going from issue to issue without breaks and not recognizing (sometimes) the great things that got accomplished.  

A good recipe for burnout.  

But one thing that has helped change that and allowed even greater focus is just celebrating before moving on to something else. 

At your next win (big or small), will you celebrate or reward yourself?  

You will be amazed at how the rest of the day progresses!

#FridayFinishers #workplaceproductivitytips #waystoimprove #focustime 

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