Friday Finishers 5

Anger is a part of the everyday human condition. There are different ways we all handle it, whether we are dishing it out or receiving it. So how can we navigate the everyday condition when sometimes we do not realize it has taken hold of us?

There are different levels and different responses to anger, but to keep this one concise I’ll use a recent exchange with chat support I had (as briefly as possible) and how recognizing it helps.  

The conversation started with me explaining (as the client, let’s call her Jane) an issue with Jane’s payroll subscription not working and she got an error message saying to contact the support number to get assistance. This was relayed. The support agent then asked for the error message; my response, as Jane, was “it said to call because the subscription was not active”. The agent asked, again, for the error message, so I repeated “it just said to call the support number” to which the agent rebuttals, “can you send me the ‘exact’ error message.” But semantics aside (of what an error is), that was the only information the application gave. At this point, this was the fourth ask. Yes, anger/frustration was seeping in. So I redirected and said ok let’s not call it an error message, it was a notification, not an error message which said to call support nothing more, can you help me activate it? The agent’s response was ok, then can you send me the exact notification message? Really?!?

In the above example, the agent, would not accept that the message was to call support. Which it was. And at this point I already figured the problem wasn’t with payroll, it was linked to activating the service within the application. Even though I paused and changed the focus from a payroll error to an activation issue, this agent would not attempt to see Jane’s (really my) perspective. Whatever the situation was for the agent, perhaps strict scripts they have to follow, giving into anger would not help to get the resolution. It was because I decided to change tactics and direct the agent to help solve the activation issue. By the fourth time, the question was asked and I noticed how annoyed I was getting. Although that proved futile. Giggle

In fact, when ending the chat and starting with a new agent, I was able to get an answer quicker by starting with I need help with activating this subscription. However, I was able to find the solution before getting the answer from this new chat agent. 

Ultimately, recognizing that the first agent was stuck in their way and not getting wrapped up in the emotion of anger got me to consider how the agent may be limited, for whatever reason there may be. But by trying to keep on point and not fueling the frustration, I was able to see other means for clarifying and ultimately solving the problem. 

Have you noticed giving in to anger gets you away from solving the problem? 

#FridayFinishers #stayingfocus #waystoimprove  

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