Friday Finishers 6

Taking action without supervision can be challenging at times. Perhaps you have been handed a new client/project or maybe you are a new employee. Either case, you do not want to be the one who ‘drops the ball’.

So how do you take the right action, when you have no direct supervision or access to the resources or people to help determine the right move? 

The difficulty here is you may be asking the wrong question. A pro tip is to change the question from what is ‘right’, to what is the outcome needed. This is usually more times than not, the better question to ask. The ‘right’ can sometimes be relative to only one person; who may not necessarily be the correct focal point for the job, or who it affects.

By looking at the broader picture you change the focus on the outcome and the effect(s) of it! 

Do you find yourself stuck sometimes with this issue? How do you leverage fear to change your focus?  

#FridayFinishers #waystoimprove #changefocus 

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