Friday Finishers 7

How can we position ourselves to always ask the right questions, that get us the sale, the promotion, etc? Good questions. No, that’s the answer, asking good questions. But we can’t always know what is or have the right question to ask. So how do we ask the right/good questions? Even better question! 


We all have to start somewhere with a first question, then follow up with the second, third, etc. But in the world of customer service that can sometimes be a double edge sword. Too many questions may be seen as incompetent or too few questions (or generic ones) may be labeled the same or even as not caring. 


From an outside perspective, at times people asking the question(s) may aim to be the smartest person in the room, or just attempt to strive to appear smart or just right, right all the time. That’s part of the id of ego. Most times a question with ego will not get you far. 


For example, if you are trying to repair a relationship because of an internal error/miscommunication with a vendor/client and your concern is not looking at fault, that’s ego at its finest.  So how do we ask the right, and better question(s)?  


It may just start with asking ourselves what the objective with the client is. In my example of repairing a relationship, if the objective is truly to repair then your questions and effort generally will be aligned with good questions towards that end. But introducing ego into the mix is usually a recipe for failing that vendor/client.  


A tip is to focus on what your objective is with the conversation, with a clear concise goal, once you have that, you have customer service gold!   


#FridayFinishers #stayingfocus #waystoimprove #focustime 

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