Friday Finishers 9

Staying on track can be difficult at times, but it’s important to keep pushing forward. That’s why we utilize technology like project/time tracking software to keep track of time, costs, and tasks. And there is no shortage of software available. But effective project management can be difficult even with software…without creating an outline of the deliverables and milestones. A way to start may be to break down tasks into smaller tasks to help stay organized. This helps to make tasks more manageable, easier to set realistic, clear, and measurable goals and helps us stay focused and motivated.

By breaking down a large project into smaller, more manageable tasks, you can assign deadlines to your tasks and stay on top of your work. This will help you keep track of how much time you have left to complete a task and ensure that it’s completed on time. Most project tracking tools allow you to add deadlines to your tasks.

Remember, all it takes is really starting at any point, especially when you are having difficulty with organizing your outline or project. If you can’t think of all steps in advance just write out the next 2-3 action steps. If necessary, break down any large multi-action step into smaller, more specific single-action steps.

By following these tips, you can take your project management skills to the next level. Assigning deadlines to your tasks is also a great way to stay on top of your work. This will help you keep track of how much time you have left to complete a task and ensure that it’s completed on time. From a calendar entry/journal to more involve software decide your medium to start with.

Are you ready to take your project management skills to the next level? Try out some of the tips I provided and share your experience with me in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!

#projectmanagement #productivity #timemanagement #projecttracking #waystoimprove

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